A downloadable game for Windows

Dedz0ne is a Yume Nikki/Splatoon fangame based on Dedf1sh's backstory. It was initially created as a submission for Dream Diary Jam 7. Game contains visuals that may hint at Octo Expansion or Side Order spoilers.

There are currently 2 effects and 1 ending. More effects, worlds, and events may be added in the future.

This is a 100% free fan project. It is not affiliated nor endorsed by Nintendo or Kikiyama. All assets are either created by me or used with permission from its creators.


[Arrow Keys] - Movement

[Space] / [Enter] / [Z] - Confirm / Interact

[X] / [Backspace] - Cancel / Open Menu

[Shift] - Sprint

[9] - Open the Dream Menu, which allows you to wake up, return to the hub, or review the tutorial.

Interact with the bed to go to sleep and save progress by talking to the doctor.

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(27 total ratings)
Tagsdreamdiaryjam, dreamdiaryjam7, Dreams, Exploration, splatoon, ynfg
Average sessionA few minutes


Dedz0ne v1.0 (DDJ8 Edition) [LATEST] 34 MB
Dedz0ne v0.3 27 MB
Dedz0ne v0.2 (DDJ7 Edition) 27 MB

Install instructions

  1. Download and unzip game.
  2. Run Game.exe.

Development log


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Hi im someone who would really like a mac compatible version

To anyone who will see this comment, is this a horror game? I am putting off trying it as I am really bad with horror games but love Acht/Dedfish's backstory and splatoon in general

It's not really horrific but rather disturbing (I advise you to play Yume Nikki you will have an idea of the gameplay) This game is more exploration oriented and the horror is mostly visual. The game does not focus on the storyline but rather on the exploration of the world which is not guided.

so is there jumpscares and the like? 

nop just some disturbing stuff but nothing like jumpscares

Ok great, thank ye!

Cant wait to try it now hehehehe

any way to navigate the game without arrow keys? i have a 60% keyboard :(


insanely good. i love dedf1sh, and this feels so so loyal to both their character and yume nikki


I love the new additions, they were fun to explore and do make finding the ink bags easier. I enjoyed playing through it again, love the reference to the Octoling academy Acht and Marina were in, plus the dorms. Keep up the good work, I hope to see more in the future. 

It's incredible, it's the best splatoon fangame I've ever tried, it shows the dark side that I liked so much about the octoexpansion ๐Ÿ˜

As a long-time fan of Splatoon who's always been fascinated by the potential of horror in the series, I absolutely loved this game! It's short but sweet, the atmosphere is amazing and the art is gorgeous! Already one of my favorite games, I've played through it four or five times by now! Would love to see more of this!


cool game to play before playing anything in the series, not even knowing what an octoling is.
what really got me was i actually thought sanitization was a good thing, until i got some doubts at the last couple bags, and then the ending...

just completed it :)


I rlly wish I could play this but I only have a Chromebook :( it looks amazing tho!

same here :(


This project is AMAZING! I hope you're still working on it! <3


This game was INCREDIBLE and very well made, but I can't figure out what you meant by "two effects" is there another route you could play the game or is it something else? Not sure if you still answer comments on this game, but thanks for this absolute masterpiece ^^


Oh, "Effects" is the name of the equippables in YN fangames. In this case it's the Octobrush and the Octopus form (which currently only has a cosmetic effect).

I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

(1 edit)

i love it

this game makes my autism happy


I gotta know… where can I find the soundtrack for this game? It's so good


I've uploaded the soundtrack onto Youtube, which you can check out here.



will this ever be supported on mac? i would love to play this but i only own a mac computer :(

Dedz0ne was made in Wolf RPG Editor, which unfortunately only supports Windows, sorry. However the game should be playable with a compat layer. The dev behind Wolf suggests Winebottler, though I've also heard of people using Wineskin for similar games.

I freaking love this kind of games and to see a  Splatoon fan game with Yume Nikki style was a big surprise, I immediately posted a little gameplay video on tiktok to let more people know about it, this game deserves more attention, great job and will be looking forward to more updates


Made an itch.io account just to post this

LOVE the visuals, nice stylization of the Splatoon art direction, very dark but colorful enviroments! Also like the story and world building elements, the dreamscape levels were fun to look at and explore, even if there wasn't much to do in them. And the ending was... yeah. :D

Overall cool game, this might have inspired me to make something like this again


This was such a cool experience!!


Found this from Garden Asada's Youtube channel and I am blown away by how good this is. You absolutely nailed the style and unsettling atmosphere of both inspirations.

Deleted post

Fantastic art, great ambient music, eerie lore. I adore this so much. 


Lovely little game, so lovely I made a little video on it! 

I saw this video!! it was so nice and made me want to play this. thanks a ton!!

I absolutely love this game! The visuals are lovely.


I don't want to sound demanding, or rude, but I fucking NEED a sequel of what happened after octo expansion, this game is so good, couldn't recommend it enough. 80/40

Hello where is the save file


i am so incredibly normal about this game it is SO GOOD and the artwork is absofruitly LOVELY !!


This was outstanding!!

The environments, music, and atmosphere were amazing!! The people who worked on this did an outstanding job, and this has been the best Splatoon fan game I have ever played!!!

Also, the ending was pretty chilling! If you do continue to work on this, I can't wait to see what comes next or what is added!! :D

I love this so coddamn much. Octo Expansion is basically my favourite piece of media ever released, so to see a Yume Nikki game based on it is like a dream come true. Thank you so damn much for making this

tldr im losing myself to the ooze and this makes the experience all the better

Hi. for the love of god hello. this is amazing and i love it. the sanitization has taken a permanent hold of my brain forever and yeah

i literally never go more than like twenty minutes without thinking about splatoon 2: octo expansion so thank you so much for making this

scary images


I'm obsessed with this. Best damn thing in the splatoon fandom recently. added the pictures on this page to my wallpaper folder so i can look at them all the time. im super excited for the possibility of new areas, effects, and endings!